
Staking guide for Fusible Liquidity Mining.

Step 1: Visit: https://defiwizard.xyz/fusible/staking and connect your wallet using MetaMask or dApp browser.

Step 2: Add Liquidity of FUSII and BUSD by clicking Add FUSII-BUSD Liquidity button.

Step 3: Approve FUSII-BUSD-CAKE to Staking Contract.

Step 4: Stake FUSII-BUSD-CAKE tokens by entering the amount and clicking Stake Button.

Step UnStake: Unstake FUSII-BUSD-CAKE by entering the amount to be unstaked.

Step Claim Rewards: Claim FUSII rewards through Claim Rewards.


Do rewards get transferred automatically on unstaking?

NO. Unstake is a transferring FUSII-BUSD-CAKE from Staking contract back to user wallet. FUSII rewards should be claimed separately

Last updated